OliveOilMom wrote:
Unless you have some kind of gallows and someone who knows exactly how to tie the noose, hanging probably sucks. I mean think about it. You have almost a minute there where you are trying really hard to get that off your neck but you can't. The entire last minute of your life is spent in desperation trying to live. I really wouldn't do it that way. Also it makes your face bloat up and it's really obvious that you pee on yourself.
Actually I did find the kind of knot that breaks your neck instead of strangling.
For real though, there's meds that can make you feel better. Hell, there are some that can actually make you feel good. Take advantage of modern medicine and don't hang yourself.
Meds are part of the reason I'm in this mess. My asthma medications are causing heart problems. People keep spraying perfumes around me to trigger my asthma attacks, and at this point I'm using my inhaler so much that the side effects are kicking in full swing. I'm having heart problems, and I've had two heart attacks in addition to the [painful] muscle spasms I had before it got this bad.
I've been on Xanax, Prozac, and birth control. They all made my depression worse.