BlueMax wrote:
DiscardedWhisper wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
OddFinn wrote:
They are still producing light bulbs in some countries. At least here in Finland selling light bulbs is going to be banned.
It is permitted, however, to sell "spherical heating devices."
that is priceless
i wish america could be so enlightened.
If that's enlightenment, then I'm going to live in a cave.
Those "energy saver" bulbs are so worthless. They cost 5 times as much, last half as long, provide half the light and they're filled with
poisonous mercury.Thanks, EPA!
And that mercury (among others) is a more toxic than the "pollution created by fossil fuels used to run a regular bulb"...
Another CFL fun fact - they have a tendency to be high fire hazards. When the light burns out, the base can get extremely hot and explode, causing fire. How this got hushed up I'll never know... money-grubbing scum...
Blue Max is more right than he might know
Manufacturers lobbied for and welcomed the ban on cheap simple generic patent expired bulbs.
Society energy savings are marginal, c.1% grid energy, on US Dept of Energy, EU and UK-Cambridge data, and still not counting life cycle energy use.
Besides, re "saving fossil fuels"
Coal being the main environmental issue,
much the same coal is burned at night anyway whatever bulb you use,
given coal plant cycle operation factors
See Freedomlightbulb org
"How light bulb regulations are wrongly justified"
13 points, referenced