I'm so depressed, it's extremely painful... I need someone who understands...
you see... it's been miserable ever since pre-school... now that I'm an adult, it's still no better... some people try to tell me I'll find someone someday, but I know it's not true... some people tell me things get better, but thats not true either...
I've been beaten, abused, tormented, tourtured, humililated, arrested, and just plain screwed over countless times...
why does everyone hate me? I'm just trying to be a good person, I like to help people, I stand up for whats right, I'm nice to everyone, even those who hurt me, they say you should treat people the way you want to be treated, well I treat people with nothing but the kindness of my heart, then they screw up my life... I did nothing to deserve this suffering... I swear I'm a victim, thats just how it is... but I can't take it any longer... I've been the nice guy all my life, and it's never worked. never made anything better... maybe everyone wants me to be the bad guy, but I want to be the good guy, and I try so hard... well if all those people want me to be the bad guy, then I guess thats want they're gonna get.
next time someone screws me over, I'm gonna give em' what they've been asking for, my fist up their tailpipe.
nex time someone steals from me, I'm taking my stuff back, then I'm gonna break their stuff.
next time someone physiclly assualts me, I'm beakiing their bones.
next time someone verbally abuses me, I'm ripping out their vocal cords.
they want me to be violent? fine! I'll be violent then! that's what they want, but they will get much more then they asked for... oh so much more... I'm sick of my life, sick of the haters, sick of people, sick of this screwed up world. if things don't get better, if my life continues to become worse, someone just kill me... theirs no point in liveing anymore, there never was...