The problem with people on the spectrum taking very difficulty/traumatizing jobs for the sake of a better life/money is, we never, ever forget. My first job was god-awful and I took it and stayed for three months, despite incredible stress, simply to please other people who thought I should be working at that point in life. Unfortunately, pushing myself to stick through it led to an overwhelming disdain and fear of all work. I honestly believe that if I'd found a job that was at least mostly bearable, I would still be happily working today (whether it be that place or somewhere else). (disclaimer: I'm not a lazy person, while at the warehouse, I was the hardest worker there, and last summer, I loved every minute I spent landscaping under the sun for my Mom's Montessori). I think if the sensory overload of this place is actually making you ill, something's got to change...your mental and physical health is worth much more than $10/hr. Don't listen to me though perhaps just knowing that you can quit without fear at any second will help you either make it a few more days and earn a bit more money or maybe even a few months. All I know is, you're a brave soul for taking the gig and you've lasted a lot longer than I would have.