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24 Jan 2013, 4:54 pm

I am so scared of people now. I just don't trust anyone. I don't know what's going through people's minds. I hear more and more cases on the news of people getting murdered at random, by either knives or guns. It seems to be getting worse, and there's nothing I can do about it, except to hope and pray that me, or any of my loved ones, don't get murdered.

I feel like going out in the street now is like a weak swimmer going into a deep swimming-pool without any armbands on. It's like going out in the street is a huge risk now, all because there has to be some weirdos in this world who have nothing better to do than to somehow own a gun and go around murdering people, without no thought. I just can't understand how these people live with themselves. I can be very angry, and I can scream that I hate people, but I would never, EVER go around shooting people. Oh, I just couldn't. I really don't know what possesses these weirdos to want to do such an awful thing.

What if the Sandy Hook Elementary thing gave more sickos ideas to do that sort of thing here? I've got a primary school right next door to my house, and I know of some of the children there. My friend's children go there. I would be terribly freaked out if a massacre like that happened in the school right next door to me. It'd be so shocking.

OK I'm saying this because there has been a police helicopter hovering about over my town all afternoon, and now people on Facebook are saying that it's because there's a man with a gun roaming around. This is the first time in all my 22 years of living in this town that I have heard of someone walking about with a gun here. So this is why I am so frightened. Oh, God, please tell me it's a rumour!


Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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24 Jan 2013, 6:31 pm

I feel the same, I stay in home most of the time. I don't want to go out there to find these awful people. I hope everything is alright in your town.


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24 Jan 2013, 7:04 pm

Unfortunately the choices of others, no matter how awful, are mostly out of your control. But there are some things you can do that might make you feel a little safer. Is there anywhere nearby where you can take a self-defence class? Most cities should have these one offer if you search around. I'm also not sure of the legality of this in you country, but you might be able to buy some mace for personal defence, too.

I don't know if this will be of any comfort, but I'm a woman and I live in one of the dodgiest neighborhoods in my city. There was a shooting just around the corner from here a month or so ago and countless stabbings occur throughout the year. I often have to walk home alone in the dead of night, but you know what? Nobody has attacked me. I haven't been murdered. I've not so much as been heckled in this town. I walk with a confident stride with my head held high and whoever is out there seems to be inclined to leave me alone.


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24 Jan 2013, 8:02 pm

mass shootings are rare. they just seem common as we are bombarded with them by the media. i don't give these things a second thought as far as them happening to me or my loved ones. you're much more likely to be killed by someone you know than by a stranger. if your relationships are fairly positive, you're not likely to become a victim of murder. try to put it into perspective.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Jan 2013, 8:45 pm

As a fellow UK resident, I feel i can safely say you are much safer here from gun crime then elsewhere.
Here all firearms are illegal and police will track them down, unlike the states where everyone can own a gun, and with guns everywhere, they're obviously more assessable to nutters who want to cause such events.

No offense intended to any Americans here though, you guys are mostly awesome.
