Considering suicide due to imminent WW3
It seems lately as if all the major superpowers are bulking up their militaries, apparently in preparation for SOMETHING BIG. North Korea seems intent on starting a war with the US, and once they do China will go to war against us. I'm convinced that the end of the universe is at hand.
I'm seriously considering suicide, since I really don't want to be around for the torments predicted by all the world's major religions. The Bible indicates that everybody will be thrown into hell except for 144,000 people. If you read the text carefully, they're talking about people who are already dead, ie angels. So all humans and all but 144,000 of the angels will support Satan and be thrown into hell. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, you're going to hell.
Furthermore, the Bible indicates that heaven and earth shall pass away, and the elements melt with fervent heat. To me, this indicates that either China or the US will deploy an uberweapon that will destroy not only the earth but the entire universe, and that this weapon will be so terrible that it will destroy the elements themselves. After this, everybody gets thrown into hell.
Since I'm already going to hell, why not kill myself and speed up the process? There will be no reincarnation, since the universe will end. Since the elements themselves will be destroyed, there will be no new universe. I have no friends, and no close family except my parents. They would be devastated, but I don't care, they are totally oblivious to the coming apocalypse and maybe killing myself would knock some sense into them. I wish I could have prepared more, although I don't see how you prepare for the detonation of a weapon that makes the elements melt. Apparently once the war starts, men will not be allowed to kill themselves, so I'd better do it quickly.

Joined: 22 Mar 2009
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I'm seriously considering suicide, since I really don't want to be around for the torments predicted by all the world's major religions. The Bible indicates that everybody will be thrown into hell except for 144,000 people. If you read the text carefully, they're talking about people who are already dead, ie angels. So all humans and all but 144,000 of the angels will support Satan and be thrown into hell. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, you're going to hell.
Furthermore, the Bible indicates that heaven and earth shall pass away, and the elements melt with fervent heat. To me, this indicates that either China or the US will deploy an uberweapon that will destroy not only the earth but the entire universe, and that this weapon will be so terrible that it will destroy the elements themselves. After this, everybody gets thrown into hell.
Since I'm already going to hell, why not kill myself and speed up the process? There will be no reincarnation, since the universe will end. Since the elements themselves will be destroyed, there will be no new universe. I have no friends, and no close family except my parents. They would be devastated, but I don't care, they are totally oblivious to the coming apocalypse and maybe killing myself would knock some sense into them. I wish I could have prepared more, although I don't see how you prepare for the detonation of a weapon that makes the elements melt. Apparently once the war starts, men will not be allowed to kill themselves, so I'd better do it quickly.
That 144,000 interpretation did not get presented until the 1800s. It speaks of a time when hardly anyone will want to be a Christian any more. If you look at the end of Revelation (in any other translation except new world), you will find an open invitation to heaven.
The "freverent heat" is not believed to be part of the apocalypse, but rather how the earth will eventually end, implying that the universe itself is not permanent. About 5 billion years from now the sun will stop fusing hydrogen into helium and start burning helium, which will make the sun swell large enough to destroy the earth. It is a natural process that will take a long time to complete.
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown
"A fear of weapons is a sign of ret*d sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud
Seems like a Pre-Emptive move, but a bit hasty. The world is stuck in an economic quagmire and many foreign relations are tense. I'm not sure I see a gaurantee of WW3 though.
I'm not sure what your chosen suicide method is, but just keep it handy and wait until the missiles actually are flying toward you. I mean people could have done the same thing during the Cuban Missile Crisis and they would have made a mistake.
Relax. North Korea is the tail trying to wag the dog. If they do launch a strike on Guam or Hawaii the response from the U.S, will be quick and severe without a full on war. China and Russia will stand aside. Believe me. China doesn't want the U.S. sitting at their back door so they'll do everything in their to keep Young Un at bay.
One Day At A Time.
His first book: ... B00E0NVTL2
His second book: ... oks&sr=1-2
His blog:
I'm seriously considering suicide, since I really don't want to be around for the torments predicted by all the world's major religions. The Bible indicates that everybody will be thrown into hell except for 144,000 people. If you read the text carefully, they're talking about people who are already dead, ie angels. So all humans and all but 144,000 of the angels will support Satan and be thrown into hell. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, you're going to hell.
Furthermore, the Bible indicates that heaven and earth shall pass away, and the elements melt with fervent heat. To me, this indicates that either China or the US will deploy an uberweapon that will destroy not only the earth but the entire universe, and that this weapon will be so terrible that it will destroy the elements themselves. After this, everybody gets thrown into hell.
Since I'm already going to hell, why not kill myself and speed up the process? There will be no reincarnation, since the universe will end. Since the elements themselves will be destroyed, there will be no new universe. I have no friends, and no close family except my parents. They would be devastated, but I don't care, they are totally oblivious to the coming apocalypse and maybe killing myself would knock some sense into them. I wish I could have prepared more, although I don't see how you prepare for the detonation of a weapon that makes the elements melt. Apparently once the war starts, men will not be allowed to kill themselves, so I'd better do it quickly.
There is no such thing as mysticism. It is completely bogus. Nobody can predict the future.
As for North Korea, they have blustered like this before. It is nothing new. They didn't go to war when acting like this before and they are not likely to go to war now. If they do go to war, it will be they who are obliterated.
Further, China has given a number of signals that they will not support any aggressive actions on the part of the Kim government, from hosting multinational peace talks to joining in the unanimous passage of the sanctions that made the little guy so pissy this time. They have strongly advised him to stand down; should he choose not to listen, I doubt strongly that the Chinese will do anything more than present a strongly worded protest before the General Assembly after the Dear Leader's palace is flattened.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.
That makes a lot of sense. With China's emerging economic prowess and likely to become the world's leader in many things, it would be crazy enough for them to throw it all away to support North Korea.
America is killing itself.
I felt this way too today Pezar.
I'm not really sure why I still have any faith in the world. I often consider just finding a place to hermit in the woods.
Eventually, I'd like to do that, become a hermit in the woods, if the world doesn't end first. I simply can't afford land right now.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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I'm seriously considering suicide, since I really don't want to be around for the torments predicted by all the world's major religions. The Bible indicates that everybody will be thrown into hell except for 144,000 people. If you read the text carefully, they're talking about people who are already dead, ie angels. So all humans and all but 144,000 of the angels will support Satan and be thrown into hell. It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, you're going to hell.
Furthermore, the Bible indicates that heaven and earth shall pass away, and the elements melt with fervent heat. To me, this indicates that either China or the US will deploy an uberweapon that will destroy not only the earth but the entire universe, and that this weapon will be so terrible that it will destroy the elements themselves. After this, everybody gets thrown into hell.
Since I'm already going to hell, why not kill myself and speed up the process? There will be no reincarnation, since the universe will end. Since the elements themselves will be destroyed, there will be no new universe. I have no friends, and no close family except my parents. They would be devastated, but I don't care, they are totally oblivious to the coming apocalypse and maybe killing myself would knock some sense into them. I wish I could have prepared more, although I don't see how you prepare for the detonation of a weapon that makes the elements melt. Apparently once the war starts, men will not be allowed to kill themselves, so I'd better do it quickly.
An uberweapon that will destroy the entire universe? There are more destructive powerful things in the universe than any 'weapon' humans on earth could come up with. But even if someone did set off a bomb that destroyed the whole world it probably would be a quick death, just boom and everyones my question would be why kill yourself beforehand? it might not work or it might give you more pain than just waiting on this uberweapon then if it doesn't happen anywys you're still alive.
Also the bible is a collection of documents written by different people, it can't predict the future anymore than any other book.
We won't go back.
Also, what is included in the Bible is essentially a committee decision that reflected the views and prejudices of the members of the committee.
Maybe I've been hanging around survivalists too long. I hang out on survival forums and it's always "OMG the world is ending NOW!" all the time. I do worry about North Korea, although I'm not sure they could hit the US, they could start a war in South Korea and flatten it before we could stomp them. The US would win, unless China got involved, which is what I'm worried about.
I think that a great many of the survivalists are blowing everything all out of proportion. Sure there is a possibility of major disruptions, but in reality the disruptions would probably be rather limited in duration and impact.
> Link to Article on Doomsday & Doomsday Cults <
There are documented "Doomsday" predictions going at least as far back as 634 B.C.
The last 170 years provide enough evidence to doubt any apocalyptic prophesy, Biblical or not.
1843: The Millerites. William Miller, a New England farmer, predicted the world would end between March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844. The date was later changed to April 23, 1843. The world is still here.
1910: Halley's Comet. A fear spread through the media and populous that the Earth would pass through the tail end of Halley's comet in 1910 and that the End Times would be triggered. They weren't.
1982: Pat Robertson. Televangelist Pat Robertson, from Virginia, told his "700 Club" TV audience that he knew when the world would end. In fact, he guaranteed that end to be 1982. He was wrong; it didn't.
1994: Pastor John Hinkle. In 1994, John Hinkle, from California, predicted that the Biblical End Times would be upon us as of June 9, 1994. They weren't.
1997: Heaven's Gate. San Diego's UFO cult, Heaven's Gate, concluded that the Hale-Bopp comet's falsely reported tail-end UFO was a signal that the world would end soon. All 39 members committed suicide on March 26, 1997. Most of the rest of us are still here.
2000: Y2K. People have long speculated the influence technology might have over the end of mankind and during the months leading up to the year 2000, these theories were everywhere. Nuclear holocaust and worldwide blackouts were just some of the End Times predictions made related to Y2K. It's been 13 years, and still no Earth-shattering "ka-BOOM!"
2000: Icy End. Richard Noone wrote a book in 1997 titled "5/5/2000 Ice: the Ultimate Disaster" and the idea took on, for some. He predicted we would suffer an icy death cued by the aligning of the heavens. He was wrong.
2008: Biblical End Times. The minister of God's Church, Ronald Weinland, predicted in a 2006 book that 2008 would see the end of the world. Weinland went on to predict that the real date was May 27, 2012. He was wrong.
2011: Harold Camping. A radio minister from California, Harold Camping, predicted in May 2011 that the End Times would begin on May 21, 2011, and that the world would totally end on October 21, 2011. He was wrong.
Doomsday has been predicted many times by many prophets. Obviously, so far they've all been wrong, which lowers the odds that any given prophecy that the world will end on some specific date will come true. Some, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, have been wrong so many times that they've quit making specific predictions, but they're still warning us that "The End Is Near".
Hundreds - if not thousands - of such predictions and prophesies have occurred throughout recorded history, and none of them came true. Most were based on one or more religious texts and on people's general ignorance of astronomy, biology, chemistry, history, and physics.
There is no "Doomsday" to worry about.