Penelope08 wrote:
I guess it depends on the situation with people who dropped you. Were they good friends? Acquaintences? Acquaintences are easy, because it's nothing personal. If we're talking Facebook, then maybe they were just doing a little "clean up". Either way, maybe you'll want to ask them if there's anything you did, whether they were good friends or not. And be prepared to hear something you may not like.
On the other hand, if you don't want to learn from it, and if it isn't worth it to you to you to find out and you just want to get on with the forgiveness part, then you can do this.
1) Consider that maybe you weren't the best fit for them, and in a way, they are doing you a favor so you can find friends that appreciate you for who you are and who appreciate the good parts of you and are willing to accept/overlook quirks, etc. In other words, focus on the good in you and consider it an opportunity to find good people in your life.
2) Consider where they are coming from, and consider this a limitation of theirs. You're a good person and they didn't have the wherewithall to see it and appreciate you. That is their limitation, and that can be forgiven.
And you move on. Forgiveness is good, no matter how egregious the action, because it sets YOU free. It's not to say you forget what happened, or that you will repeat your actions, if there are any actions/behaviors that are involved. You do it for you, not for the other party. If you use it as a learning opportunity (even if it hurts to look at it, and may expose parts of you that you aren't proud of), you stand to grow as a person, and that is awesome.
I've already sent them emails inquiring as to why, and that whatever the reason, I'd be okay with it. No answer. That's why it's hard to forgive, actually. They weren't even big enough to tell me.
It's either a punishment for something, or it's not and they are just cowards. It could go either way.