find one or more non-profit organizations that has work in the area that you are interested/trained and do as much volunteer work as you can manage.
make certain to regularly obtain letters of recommendation from others in the npo that have supervisory positions there. Obtain /keep npo documents proving when you first started there since npo organizations often have high "turnover" (volunteers and employees joining and leaving quickly), as well as shoddy volunteer records. you may have to prove your experience through your own copies of the documentation. If the npo doesn't officially document your starting date and/or hours worked. request a dated welcome letter from the volunteer coordinator, on npo letterhead, stating your intended tasks/work, and regularly request a dated letter of recognition, on npo letterhead, noting the hours/weeks/days you have worked there with the job description of your area of expertise.
even if you have to work at a convenience store at night and volunteer by day.
hope this helps.
Bonnie, The Boxer, ~2005/2006 - October 26th 2013
We love you always Bonnie. Bless God as you have blessed us.