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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Oct 2013, 2:59 am

over the last some odd months i have developed pretty bad Paranoia directed at just about every one that i come in contact with and i have no idea where it came from or what to do about it.
any one ever deal with this or have experience? i would like some advise.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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03 Oct 2013, 3:42 am

These might be helpful to you:

Not sure if I have it or not.


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03 Oct 2013, 10:43 am

Can you give me more information, without giving anything too personal away?

I find paranoia can quickly be stopped when you realise that you can't be hurt and attacked in the way that you fear.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Oct 2013, 4:00 pm

For years I was accused of being paranoid. Finally I learned my gut feelings that something was wrong were correct. Trouble is, being Aspie, I couldn't pinpoint subtle warning signals until I was in deep. I couldn't tell a pleasantly offbeat person from a real wacko. Maybe your problem is you're dealing with some wackos and it makes you view everyone warily.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Oct 2013, 11:34 pm

i had a long thing writin out talkng about why i think im paranoid but the computer cut out and i lost it, so i will do it in short.
my parent s fought for year dering there devorce and my stepmom undermind things at everyturn. i had to at as a intermediaery bettween my perants to they dont try to stab eachuther with keys agein. so i have lot a lot of trust with my pearant becouse i cant trust them the talk about the simplest things like my health insurecne cards "lucky dad is a engineer" with out fighing to take place.
and not trusting you perants tend to bleed over into not trusting others, cents they seperated then devoriced i have been very cynical and and slowto trust people.

then the hole NSA, Edward Snowden things I think has driven my over bored. now i know im being watched,i logically know that the odds that they are looking at me spisificaly is encredibly small but that does not help at all...


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04 Oct 2013, 11:59 am

Perhaps you could try, temporarily at least, taking life less seriously - I mean, a lot less seriously. Find lots of stuff to laugh at, comedies, cartoons, whatever. Whatever cracks you up. Do this for a week and I gurantee the paranoia will be a lot less, and more controlled.


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04 Oct 2013, 6:37 pm

I had very severe depression when I was 18. I've had a few severe episodes of depression, but that episode was the worst in terms of being so severe I developed psychosis with fairly serious paranoia (I thought people were trying to poison me, were spying on me, could read my thoughts, etc...) I'm now healthy mentally and don't really get paranoid much at all (probably less than most people do because I've been there and I know how the thought patterns work.)

Anyway, I just want to say that even if you have a tendency to mental health problems, psychosis is a temporary state even if it comes back at some point in your life. The worst part of it for me was being in my own world and not feeling like I could escape the thoughts in my head. Go and get some help and be honest about exactly how it is for you and you will be able to recover much more quickly. I know this is a VERY difficult thing to do when you're paranoid, but it's what I wish I did in hindsight. If you know that your thoughts are not rational then that shows that you aren't 'insane', you're just struggling with mental health. Bear this in mind and feel proud of how much you ARE coping already, then you will feel more empowered to get better.

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05 Oct 2013, 5:21 pm

I went through a stage in my 20's where I suffered extreme paranoia. It got to a stage where I would only leave my house via the window, because I thought someone was outside my door. Then I wouldn't leave my room because I thought someome was outside my room.

There was a lot more stuff as well but I don't wish to go on.

It can be pretty scary for me still, but I think I'm a lot better now. I never told anyone about that until just now either. :D

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