auntblabby wrote:
octobertiger wrote:
It's lovely to hear that, and you seem a great person. But there is no 'reason' to feel happy, it's simply a choice! Same as lonely, angry and so on. Not the same as hunger.They're all internals. Why look to a transitory outside when the answer is inside?It's like saying 'When I meet x person, I will give myself permission to feel happiness and contentedness'.Why wait?
because happiness IS largely conditional, in that it is awfully tough to be happy when one is chained upside down with one's head stuck in a bucket of horseplop. the conditions have to support happiness. happiness at the very least can be in response to some kind of relief [like being unchained and having one's head pulled out of aforementioned bucket of horseplop], but short of that it is very elusive.
No, it is us that makes happiness conditional - which means that it is transitory. There are people all over the world whose lives are being chained upside down in a bucket of horseplop, yet they choose happiness.
Now, I'm not belittling anyone who has gone through the horseplop, is in horseplop, or will enter the horseplop state. But an external doesn't necessarily create an internal.
It's as simple, or as awfully tough, as we want it to be. It's elusive to those who haven't looked for it!
My choice is to be happy, no matter what animal product I end up in, and I refuse to blame anything - my past, my genetics, NTs, the 'system' - anything other than myself in this. Do you not think it's encouraging, that it doesn't have to be conditional if we don't want it to be?
Everybody's free to feel good.