I never thought to ask Quetzacoatl for anything - this could be the root of all my troubles!
There are no excuses in the context of one mind; only rationalizations and presupposed facts. It's actually an asset in many ways to be this self-conscious. Your second-to-last sentence was proof of this, people who lead tough lives such as ours are inherently peaceful, to the point where our diplomatic abilities can actually tie together whole groups of people, weather we realize it or not. Often I think I'm abjectly out of touch and lost, when really in some ways I'm leading by example. Case in point, I'm about the most awkward loner guy you can imagine, but I'm actually none to shabby at throwing parties and generally keeping my head above all the chaos implied. Psychopathy is dangerous to be sure, it takes a practiced eye to discern it from the pathology of most NTs. Sometimes even you might lash out for one reason or another, for example I chewed some guy out for his terrible driving once, sure, I felt bad for having offended him, but I probably saved (N^X) people from a swift silver Camry in the rear end that day - public safety outweighed the burden of my conscience, he sure was driving like a psychopath. I might even have kept him out of a rollover, not that I necessarily should've . Doubtless, people have been on your case about your various missteps, it's stressful for anybody, but I think when you begin to meet them in the middle and raise mutual issues as they arise, you'll begin to notice more respect for your attention and presence. Bad teacher? Ask all the questions you need. Boring subjects still represent more or less infinite complexity you can apply later on to something you actually want to do. Down on yourself? Forget what you were doing for a while and go have some fun. There's a price on everything in the world, but some things you just have to view as long-term investments.
"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
-Georges Lemaitre
"I fly through hyperspace, in my green computer interface"
-Gem Tos