ive considered myself suicidal since i was about 15. the only thing that's stopped me is the fear of what lies ahead and more importantly, my younger siblings. i have so many repressed memories my childhood seems like a fragmented far away nightmare. i went through a lot of mental abuse, physical abuse and im not sure if it counts as sexual abuse but i was witness to incestual rape at a friends house (i have no clue if i was touched but there were a lot of red flags such as starting fights in kindergarten and refusing to the end to take my shirt off at pools/beaches, making my toys have sex, dislike of showers, still to this day hate water splashed in my face etc). in my teenage years I got passed back and forth between my parents cause neither one wanted me and several times i found myself either homeless (legitimately homeless, like eating out of dumpsters and stuff) or couch surfing. im 20 now and everyone my age is out doing things with their lives while i sit at home doing absolutely nothing. i am the epitome of a loser. i have NO reason to be here. i spent a lot of time as a kid wishing someone would come take me away where no one was angry. dreams dont come true. Ive lost all interest in any type of social life, i never feel hungry and have to force myself to eat, ive always had sleeping issues and when i am able to sleep i always have the worst nightmares, and lately i have had NO interest in sex at all and the thought of it actually disgusts me. No girl will ever love me and i will never have a family of my own. my life sucks. no matter how hard i try, something ALWAYS goes wrong and ruins my plans. the only reason i see for me to be here is to be the 'bad example' to my siblings to show them what NOT to do. but ive decided they'll be better off dealing with the loss of their older brother than growing up to hate him for being such an embarrassment. if you're gonna reply to this then for the love of god do NOT give me pity. i guess i just needed to rant. sorry to waste your time. there was really no point to any of this.
"Life itself is only a vision, a dream; nothing exists save empty space and you. And you are but a thought."