Ok, so this has been bothering me for quite some time now, and every time i witness someone wearing this, i literally feel sick.
What i am talking about is the trend that for some years now seem to influence many kids, aka elementary school kids wearing makeup.
Now there's not that much of a problem if they wear lip balm to prevent their lips from drying out, or if they wear makeup for fun every
now and then just to try it out or act out with their friends. It's when their parents allow them to wear heavy makeup everyday it becomes disturbing - Exaggerated in my opinion is when they wear these: Mascara, eye shadow, strongly colored lipstick and sometimes in addition some also wear eye liner. I've even seen 11 year old's wearing heavy foundation in addition to all the above.
Makeup were "originally" made for grown ups or for teenagers, so that they could cover up changes in the skin caused by aging,
or to camouflage acne / problem skin teenagers often struggle with. Children below thirteen on the other hand are in my opinion to
young to wear this "face decoration", some reasons being: It's damaging to the skin of younger children (and they don't really
even need to "cover up" as most of them have clear skin) - besides if they start wearing makeup at an early age they will also very
likely get so used to it that they might end up feeling insecure about how they look without makeup, harming their self esteem.
My little sister who is 6 is only allowed to wear nail polish and neutral colored lip balm to school, I've told her that the reason why she
can't wear the type of makeup teenagers and grown ups wear is that her skin haven't yet been damaged as the skin of grown ups have
and unlike teenagers she doesn't yet have skin issues. An explanation she so far have seemed to accepted.
Anyway, me and my mom aren't overly strict with her concerning this, we do allow her to once in a while for special occasions put on
a little lipstick (not to heavily colored though) and some eye shadow - But this only when she comes to us asking if she can wear it.
I feel like many parent's seem to "push" their kids into a more mature look, buying more mature looking clothes for them, putting
make up on them, obsessively fixing their hair. To me it seems like many parent's have become obsessed with making their kids look
like perfect little "creatures", that everything have to look a certain way. It worries me also how this will effect these kids in the future,
this can end up either making them really spoiled, or even worse, end up with a low self esteem, were they feel like they have to
always strive after the perfection which their parent's created and seemed to expect from them when they grew up/ in the past.
Here are two articles btw which i suggest that you read:
What do you think about the matter? - Do you think it is wrong to allow kids below the age of thirteen to wear very clearly visable makeup every day, or do you think it is ok? Why, why not?
"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much" - King of dandy, Oscar Wilde
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relax. it is just narcissism. you will always have difficulty relating to it. just be thankful. if there is something that all of us have serious difficulties with. the one thing we cannot be, it would probably be narcissism. after all, what they call a healthy narcissist, has what they call coping skills, wich is pritty much a totally fabricated lie. or something you need to have just in case your a fighter pilot, and need to fly around and kill people. than there is the narcissistic supply. the attraction they need to get from everyone. the need for everyone to like them, and be accepted, because they really dont understand the knowlege of self.
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I started wearing makeup at about 12, which was the normal age to start back in the 70s. One thing that a lot of us did back then was wear foundation at that age because of acne, and that just caused more acne and problems into the teens and twenties. I still get zits from time to time and I'll be 50 in the spring. Nowdays the foundations are much better and lighter and there are also better acne treatments and tinted acne creams to cover the zits and such. We didn't have that. We had CoverGirl warm beige or suntan and that was about it. I think that the mineral powder foundations are probably the best for young skin where the only problem is some breakouts, but my girls and their friends don't wear foundation all that often. They really just do their eyes and lips. Depending on what they are doing, they may put on powder, but that's all.
I've always let my girls wear what they want to and do what they want to with their hair. I didn't let them cut it until they were 12 though, because it was so long and beautiful I wanted them to be old enough to cut all of it off and be sure about it, not just do it on a whim. Both girls wore a lot of eyeliner when they were young teens, one is blonde and light skinned, the other is brunette and olive skinned. My blonde daughter doesn't wear much eye makeup now, and rarely anything dark but my brunette daughter loves the dark elaborate eyeshadows, and it looks good on her. She knows how to put it on and it's not all smeared and messy. She wears black eyeshadow some days. She colors her hair a lot too, and she gets bright colors that aren't like natural hair. Right now it's dark brown, it's natural color but she usually has something bright. She's giving it a chance to grow out some since she's dyed it back to it's natural color and will wait a few months to dye it again. She has a more elaborate look and it works on her, while the blonde has a more conservative look. I've always let them pick whatever clothes they wanted, neither of them ever wanted anything that was just too low cut or tight or short.
Girls go through phases experimenting with changing how they look. They get through the worst ones quickly if the parents just let them do it and get it out of their systems. They figure out within a few months what looks good and what doesn't. Also, trends have some influence too. In my day we all wore frosted blue eyeshadow with frosted pink lipstick. I don't think you can even buy that anymore.
I agree. I don't think pre-teens should be wearing heavy make up. I guess when a few are allowed to do it it's a slippery slope though as parents won't want their kids being teased for being different. My daughter is only 6 so I'm hoping it won't be an issue for a good while yet but I'll be holding off as long as possible. I don't like little kids in adult style clothes either.