Being sick really sucks.

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11 Dec 2013, 1:22 pm

I spent the last couple of days at home with a nasty sinus infection and a fever to go along with it. I woke up in a massive puddle of sweat this morning. I've been sleeping for the most part during this time.

I'm feeling whiny and irritable. I want to b***h about how much life sucks at the present moment.

OK, I've said all I needed to say. I hope I get over this soon.


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11 Dec 2013, 1:43 pm

KagamineLen wrote:
I want to b***h about how much life sucks at the present moment.

OK, I've said all I needed to say. I hope I get over this soon.

:tired: Life does suck when you're sick and feeling like dogsh*t. :eew:

I hope you get over it soon, too. :thumright:

Don't breathe on me. :silent:


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11 Dec 2013, 1:50 pm

Musenex, vics vapo rub, anti-biotics and lots of sleep.


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11 Dec 2013, 4:13 pm

I hope you start to feel better soon! Being sick is definitely not fun. :)


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11 Dec 2013, 10:43 pm

While I did get a flu shot (which should make me impervious to any sickness this winter, hopefully); OP, there's an old saying, "This too, shall pass." I wish you well.


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12 Dec 2013, 12:11 am

Today, my closest friends were homemade chicken soup, hot tea, antibiotics and reality TV on Netflix.


I once again once to state that life sucks at the moment.


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13 Dec 2013, 9:46 am

I spent a lot of my childhood at the ENT and being picked on for being a mouth breather. Bleah. :( Hope it's gone soon.

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13 Dec 2013, 11:12 pm

Ah, I know how it is to be sick. :eew:
I've had bronchitis that is on the verge of pneumonia the past couple of days. Fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, and now I'm coughing up sputum. I'm feeling a bit better. The coughing is tedious though.
The best way to deal with sickness is the pamper yourself and care to your needs. :) Don't get stressed out about stuff like responsibilities when you go back to work and/or school. Relax and treat yourself. You'll need it


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14 Dec 2013, 9:32 am

Marylandman889 wrote:
Ah, I know how it is to be sick. :eew:
I've had bronchitis that is on the verge of pneumonia the past couple of days. Fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, and now I'm coughing up sputum. I'm feeling a bit better. The coughing is tedious though.
The best way to deal with sickness is the pamper yourself and care to your needs. :) Don't get stressed out about stuff like responsibilities when you go back to work and/or school. Relax and treat yourself. You'll need it

Thanks. That is exactly what I have been doing the last week. I feel like my humanity has returned now. :)

I am sorry to hear that you are sick currently.


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14 Dec 2013, 5:12 pm

KagamineLen wrote:
I spent the last couple of days at home with a nasty sinus infection and a fever to go along with it. I woke up in a massive puddle of sweat this morning. I've been sleeping for the most part during this time.

I'm feeling whiny and irritable. I want to b***h about how much life sucks at the present moment.

OK, I've said all I needed to say. I hope I get over this soon.

That's what the Haven is here for!

I know how you feel because I've been unwell with a rough cold this week. Well, it started off with a cough on Monday, but otherwise I felt fine, although I wondered why I was coughing because I don't normally get coughs at all. Then Tuesday night my nose began to run, but I thought it was just my sinuses playing up as usual because I didn't feel feverish otherwise. Then on Wednesday morning I began to guess that I had a cold, although I didn't have a sore throat at all, but throughout the day I began to feel feverish, and my nose was like a tap, and I could not stop sneezing all day. They sent me home from work and I went to sleep when I got home (it was only early afternoon). Thursday I felt less feverish but my nose felt like somebody had shoved a thistle right in my sinus and it was so uncomfortable that I even cried a little. Then the cold began to ebb off on Friday and I was back at work, and today is Saturday and I'm feeling fine, just left with a cough, which doesn't worry me. I'm just glad my sinuses are back to normal.

I've been eating all through the week, which was probably why the cold didn't last very long. If you feel hungry, eat something - your fever will ebb away quite quick. If you don't feel like eating (which many people don't when they feel like you do) then that is a shame. I hope you feel better soon.
