Wikipedia wrote:
Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. The literal English translation is 'Harm-Joy'. It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune.
A co-worker had been needling me for years, showing his contempt and disdain for my every idea and success, and taking every opportunity to hinder my success. A few weeks ago, I finally blew up at him and told him to stop harassing me. A few days later, the Boss called us both into his office and made like
I was the one with the problem. Of course, the co-worker (call him Lance) was all smiles and joviality, claiming that he was only joking, and that I was the one being too sensitive.
A week ago, a shipment that was suppose to have arrived on that day had somehow been delayed ... a shipment that I needed to complete a project on a deadline ... a shipment that Lance was supposed to have expedited
personally. So I called him on speakerphone (so that the Boss could listen in) on the day that the shipment was supposed to have arrived. I got Lance's voicemail, left a message, and waited.
And waited some more.
It seemed that Lance had decided to take some time off, leaving his procurement duties in the hand of his assistant, except that he had somehow 'forgot' to tell his assistant about my shipment.
Last Thursday, I made another phone call -- this time a full conference call between Lance, the Boss, myself, and a friend who has also been one of Lance's victims. We got his voicemail again, even though we all knew that he was in his office at the time. So I left another
polite inquiry into the shipment, which also went unanswered.
This morning, the Boss asked me if I'd heard anything about the shipment yet. I said, "Not a word" and kept on working. He went away for a while, came back and told me that I should have some results by the end of the day. 30 minutes later, Lance called in to report that he was expediting the shipment personally, and that I'd hear from him again soon. Every hour, he called me with a status report. Finally, about an hour before quitting time, Lance showed up
in person with the shipment. He was wearing a mis-matched jogging outfit, he hadn't shaved, and he likely hadn't even bathed before the Boss had called him.
I just found out that when the Boss had called him, he'd rousted Lance him out of bed, read him the Riot Act, and told him in no uncertain terms that the shipment had better be in my hands by the end of the day. OR. ELSE.
Poor old Lance was so chastised and humiliated that he even said "I'm sorry" in front of everyone else. He looked so miserable that I
almost let myself feel sorry for him, too. But I didn't -- his misery was my joy ("Schadenfeude"). Instead, I just thanked him for the package, turned my back to him and returned to work. Only the other victim could see the smile on my face, and she said later that I looked just like a feral cat.
I don't expect Lance to give up so easily -- bullies never do -- and I don't expect his next attack to be any time soon.
But I'll be ready. It seems that Lance has bullied a few other people in the company in the same way that he bullied me. They're all ready to testify against him the moment any one of us files a claim.
I can hardly wait!