"Your posts are subject to review and, if deemed potentially dangerous, will be reported to your local jurisdiction."
yep just my thought...here is what I posted in the moderator forum to get there with a disclaimer:
"Okay, I have to get rid of something here, because it just angers me a lot and I want the moderators to take notice of it:
Recently my husband posted in the haven (!) a rant clearly marked as such in the first sentence. He was frustrated about several situations where NTs just did not understand or betray the very moral standards he tries to hold up although it is not easy in the times we live and he closed the clearly marked rant with a question born out of his frustration asking for reason to keep him from wishing to just go out and get rid of those NTs. This was clearly and from the beginning marked as a rant and not as a thread. And after getting rid of the frustration my husband posted 7(!) minutes later again that this was a rant and just to blow of steam in a supposedly protected environment exactly ment for such situations, where someone is frustrated and in search for support. He nevertheless asked the moderator than to eliminate the thread just to prevent miss judgements and miss understandings. But alas to late.
His trust in this "Haven" and search for support was betrayed in the worst way as a "irony on: loving and concerned citizen - irony off" had nothing else to do than to inform first the moderators - which is okay - but furthermore to inform the police about this by him/her wrongly so perceived "threat" calling it a "mass homicide threat" despite it being marked as a rant from the beginning.
Nicely done, dear concerned citizen, nicely done! You achieved really something great with this, you betrayed a fellow aspies trust in the worst way and furthermore got a machinery running which got him invited to the police today and marked as a criminal (and this having done nothing else than being upset about something and ranting in a supposedly supportive forum). On records now, at least a defective being, not only in his living area (we are living in a small village, where everybody knows everybody - thanks again) but to the capital of our country and to the USA too.
Such a nice treat especially from a fellow aspie and especially without contacting him directly, asking and giving support - no not you, whoever you are - but destroying the trust he had into the community of fellow aspies, denigrating him in your and our country for nothing. Seems it is not enough to have a more difficult way through life being an aspie in an NTs world, no there are definitely fellow citizens who can heighten that burden like you - who ever you are - did.
So I would like to ask you moderators to post a warning into the haven, that you can't speak your mind there openly but you have to watch your every word, else it might happen to you, like it did to my husband.
Thank you
Thank you for this unbelievable friendly gift you gave to us! I do hope nobody ever does this ever to you!"