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01 Feb 2014, 10:39 pm

It has been awhile since, I posted last. Last year, I was in either the hospital and/or rehab for14oftheyear. They placed 5 stents and a pacemaker into my heart. Then they replace my Aortic Valve with a metal one. I am now faced with medical retirement because , I could not do my job with a weight limit of 20# and 3.5 hr standing.
I lost my father in June, and my Mother a year and a half earlier.
Once, I returned to college. I tried to ask the teacher question about class. She went and reported me as stalking her. The person at the schools disabled program tried to railroad me . I do not think,I can trust anyone anymore. I know ,I need to be careful. Maybe ,I was to forward in trying to learn. A friend of mine stated women are afraid of men.I think , I cannot return to the student center for help. Now that , I am not in class, I check my school e-mail, and received an e-mail from them about the meetings. I called and e-mailed that ,I was not in school this term. The secretary stated , I could but I thought it was best not to go. I spoke to the person, and she said if I did not want to come then fine, and she wanted to know why , I was not in school. This person know , I was facing disability , and I know this sounds paranoid but I think she was up to something. I do not believe she likes me at all. I will not argue this point at all. I dare not go to the Dean of Students. Any advice is welcome.

Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.


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13 Feb 2014, 8:31 pm

I don't have any advice and this is probably too late anyway, but what you said resonated with me.

Like most people here I have experience with finding it hard to communicate. I can write at length, on complex topics, but being understood is a whole other skill, and one I will probably never master.

I also have recurring dreams about being back in school and missing classes, not deliberately, but time just rushes by and somehow I miss one,and then another, until the exams when it's all too late. The system that puts you in this position, to have to go on benefits because there just aren't suitable jobs. is wrong. But it's late and I'm tired so won't give my usual rant about politics and economics, Sorry to hear about your mum and dad.

No longer trapped in hell. Well, not in the lower levels of hell. But I cannot change my username.


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Joined: 21 May 2007
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13 Feb 2014, 9:46 pm

Thank you Trappedinhell for your comment, and thoughtfulness about my parents passing. I wish, I try to change things, but I have learned something. I will keep that to myself for the time being.I also have "strange dreams" which also,I will keep to myself. I wish you luck.

Do what you can when you can. I'm also the "alien"they are looking for.