I've been depressed my whole life, so feeling sh***y is nothing new. Ordinarily, I just power on through it, ignoring the exhaustion and concentrating on getting things done which are productive one little step at a time.
I've also had PTSD since the back end of forever, and once again I expend a great deal of energy and force myself to get s**t done anyway.
Ditto with the AS symptoms.
At various points in my life, I've been on almost all the antidepressants (tricylid family, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Trazadone, Celexa, Effector, Lexapro, Paxil, Zoloft, etc). They aren't very helpful for me--while I can't get sad, what I am is just numb.... all the time. It takes everything away--true happiness, true sadness, true anything. I just... exist as a body and everything emotional happens over there somewhere.
Now that I'm in my mid-thirties, I'm just.... tired..... all the time. I'm tired of making myself get up anyway and do things, I'm tired of juggling my schedule, my symptoms and my life, I'm tired of endlessly having to negotiate the crap NTs put us through (the "accidentally" lost paperwork, the forgetting to tell me my adviser is going on sabbatical and can't sign my graduation paperwork, the constant invasion of my personal space by others, the tremendous sense of exhaustion and hopelessness or pointlessness that I constantly feel, the constant neediness of some of the people in my life, the inconsistent and explosive nature of their emotions, etc.)
I don't want to get up in the morning and I can't sleep at night. I'm constantly having trouble concentrating. My work has gone to s**t and I just don't care. I'm not a drinker or much of a drug person. The only thing I seem to want to do is play video games. I don't even want to eat, but I make myself.
I currently have twelve homework assignments due a week and I'm taking classes in three departments which are fairly challenging. In my personal life, a buncha s**t keeps exploding.
I'd hide under the bed but there's not enough room, and someone would drag me out.
Anyone else out there feeling....awful?
RAADS-R: 181
Eye Expression Test: 19
Alexithymic: Please explain conclusions if asked
The feels are shipped in by train once a week--Friday, I'm in love.