I drink black coffee in the morning. As far coffee being dangerously addictive? Well, not dangerously! Caffeine can have beneficial neuroprotective, antioxidant and positive cardiac effects - reasonable coffee consumptions should be fine for most adults. Approximately 250 mg is considered reasonable for a normal/healthy adult.
(Note: caffeine can effect little children differently......coffees and sports drinks are not appropriate for children).
I drink plain brewed coffee but I do know that caffeine levels in Starbucks (for example) specialty coffees is far greater, not to mention the creamers, additives and sugary syrups (which are really caloric and not too healthful)! Because I am insomnia prone, I am careful to not drink caffeinated beverages past early afternoon. Otherwise I tolerate caffeine pretty well (and I do like the perks). Some people can experience mild headaches as a 'withdrawal' symptom, but this is transient. I try to drink lots of water too.
You can calculate how much caffeine you might be consuming - 2 to 3 pots is a lot. I suppose you could switch to 1/2 decaf, if necessary. But I really would not otherwise worry about drinking coffee - it's definitely one of the 'healthier' vices

You wouldn't say what you just said if you've been around my brothers and my relatives! They might as well have had caffeine iv's hooked to them, considering how wired they always are.