Heisenburg98 wrote:
My Dad passed on Aspergers/NVLD to me and I secretly hate him for it. Is this normal does anyone else feel this way?!? I love and all that but When I'm depressed I really hate who I am And I hate my dad for passing it on to me
I read that as "Dating my dad" - WHOOPS!
Well, we don't really know the genetics involved in autism. Like, both your parents could be carriers - you don't know. Also, there's epigenetics, which is when your genes change due to environmental factors. We are always mutating and sometimes those mutations aren't favorable.
I guess some people feel resentment towards the fact that they inherited a disease or disorder from their parents, but do you really think your dad could have prevented it? He may not have even been aware that he had anything wrong with him.
Have you ever expressed this to your dad? Maybe he feels guilty for passing those genes as well?
I think this is kinda like a grieving process for you and you're oscillating between sadness and anger. I hope you can learn to accept it very soon, but I think in the meantime I think you should talk to someone you know personally about this. If you don't wanna tell your dad, maybe a teacher might help or someone else in your family. But ultimately, this is about how you relate to your father. Who knows? Maybe this is what will bring you two closer together.