It could be Titanic, Dawson's Creek, a James Bond film... but no. Life is just life. People following routines, climbing the social ladder. Rich people's kids going to good universities and becoming lawyers, software engineers and professors. Poor people's kids becoming pop stars, chefs, civil engineers and cable wire installers.
People in mental distress going to seen-it-all-before support groups where no one original says nothing interesting. There's nothing left, it's all been done. Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are so '60s and '70s and homosexuality and speedballing with a side of AIDS is so '80s. The halcyon days of '90s optimism and cheap houses are out of sight. Fight Club and nihilism are so 5 minutes ago and what do we have now? - YouTube. Bloody YouTube and Twitter and message boards like this one and Facebook.
People being fake all the time because honesty kills. A little bit of sincerity is dangerous and a lot of it is fatal. Oh aren't I so wonderful, I graduated with a major in installing double glazed windows and for 5 years I volunteered with the Space Peace Corps, oh and by the way I also do a sideline in playing the oboe. Which I did since I was like 5 years like and I'm like so good at applying guyliner too because I'm a metrosexual low V-neck T shirt wearing hummus eater.
Then there's the Christians with their dull religion ferreting about with an inordinate amount of self importance to various ridiculous weekly sermons and pointless drop ins for homeless people and people who have no friends. Half-hearted charity, ah, doesn't it make you weep? Don't get me started on old people. They've got their houses all fully paid for and spend their days grimacing at a young generation that can't afford to smoke a good pack of cigarettes. Psychiatrists in their bankers' pin striped suits, their drug-addled bellies bulging at the seams doling out meds to the bovine.
Even more boring are the people who completely withdraw from society and live on a farm producing the finest, freshest food that they then sell in their restaurant that makes everything from scratch. Then you've got the 27 year old wine experts and the 20 year old economists who make you feel inadequate because you're 10 years older and only just learned how to shave without cutting yourself. Then there are the self employed plumbers and electricians who think they're all that and will talk to you for hours about politics when you just want them to quote you a cheap price and get out of here. Life, huh?