khaoz wrote:
I dropped out at age 13. One thing I learned right away is all of this crap about stay in school, people will check your school records, all that crap, was just crap. Unless my experiences are not normal. As long as I have been able to pay for the classes and pass a few tests so they could place me I have never had a problem enrolling in a university.
1. if you are taking a college class and paying for it out of pocket, say at a community college, they really don't care where you are coming from so to speak. they want your $$
2. OTOH, if you are applying to college into a degree program and will be getting any financial assistance from the federal/state govt or the school, then they absolutely want to try to assure that you are better up to the task because schools don't like to give grant/scholarship $$ (school money) to people who aren't going to be able to do the work.
3. if you drop out of college you still owe back any federal/state/private loans
4. yes, some schools (in USA) don't require standardized tests. I know standardized tests get a bad 'rap'.
but something like 20% of college freshmen need remedial classes (in reading/math).
5. in the 21st century, in the USA, if you don't have at least a high school diploma, your job options are very limited (unless youu don't mind making very low wages). Of course you could teach yourself to code or do other some of tech work and get a job with your awesome tech skills, but that is NOT what happens to most people who either don't or just barely finish school.
even if they made minimum wage $15, nobody is going to get rich on that.