Worried about my future... again!

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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15 Apr 2014, 12:02 am

For the past few weeks, I feel my life's become completely meaningless and has no purpose since I don't know what to do. University's approaching rapidly and I can't decide what I want to do with my future, and am getting really depressed just thinking about the idea that I'm going to pick a degree, start hating it after the first few months and drop out, not being able to graduate since I can't settle on anything. Every single degree available at nearby universities is either not my thing or too hard to get into.

On top of all that, I'm not sure I'll make it into university at all... I'm not the best at school because I chose a bunch of subjects I thought would be enjoyable and easy but ended up being confusing and difficult. Studying at home is hard for me because it's boring and I feel I have better things to do, but my parents are insisting I do it more or else I won't get into uni. Honestly, if there are no interesting uni degrees I think I'd be better off just doing an apprenticeship, but it wouldn't be what my family want all because they want me to have a good life. I mean, I want a good life too, but I don't know how I'll ever have one if I don't like the idea of any career.

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15 Apr 2014, 9:10 am

Well, the scenario you described already came to pass for me. I wasn't able to get into any of the 4 year schools since my cumulative high school GPA was too low because of my issues early on in high school before they accommodated me but I still went to the local community college at the behest of my parents and dropped out after a semester, it felt directionless since I was just there taking classes without committing towards any career or degree. I was hoping to transfer to a 4 year school once I proved myself there where I would finally start deciding what I'll do. There are no amount of aptitude tests in the world that can tell you what you want to do, I've always found them worthless with me answering most of the questions 'I don't know'. Most subjects I find interesting do not lead to any marketable degree it seems which weighed heavily on my mind while at school.

In retrospect, I wish I had gone for a 2 year degree or actually went thru or just got a "worthless" history degree or whatever just so I had some piece of paper with my name on it. I'd be in debt but what are they going to take? At least that way I could move on with my life but right now I am pretty much stuck in the same spot I was after I graduated high school, frozen in time. I want to come back to school, at this point I just want to get out of the house and do something. Anything.

I'm just a very noncommittal person, I don't like open ended anything but that's what life is I guess.


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15 Apr 2014, 10:30 am

At least in the US, one does not have to declare one's major right away. You'll be taking "core" courses, anyway. I would make sure I get into a university; that would be my first priority. What are your main interests?

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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17 Apr 2014, 12:32 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
What are your main interests?

It's gotten to the point that I can't tell anymore. I like one thing one week and hate it the next. That's orobably where most of my problems lie.

Make cupcakes, not war.