I know what you mean, about feeling rejected by "normal" people, and feeling like your only pseudo friends are weirdos. I've felt that way for a long time, but it bothers me less now than it used too.
You talk about "normal" people seeming fake. That's because they are. Nobody is truly normal (how can you even define that?). The only normal people are the ones who are so fake, and afraid of taking any risk of rejection, that they completely fake their own personalities and agree with everyone else in their chosen group. And they are so afraid of being shunned, they won't even associate with someone who does not go along with their group. This is herd mentality. And they seem normal, because they are just like everyone else in their group.
The way I see it, better to have true friends who are also rejected by society, than to just go along with the group and be liked for someone whom you are not. The important thing is that your friends are good people. People with shared values, that you care for.
Once I stopped trying to impress everyone so much and started being myself, I actually made some good friends. They are weird, but so am I. And they were looking for friends just like I was. That's not to say, learning social norms is a bad thing. In fact, it's very useful for things like interviews and parties you are forced to go to, times when you just want to blend in. It's just that real friends, are the ones that will accept you even when you are not conforming to expectations.