OCD Misophonia and loneliness

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23 May 2014, 6:43 pm

sigh.... so my ocd is spinning out of control as are my sensitivity issues with sound. My housemates are just awful. Using toilet and not flushing, leaving mass amounts of washing up constant phone conversations etc

The worst is the isolation, feeling as if I dont have anyone to just talk to about special interests like nature music science the arts scifi reality religion etc

I can move home at the end of june which is going to be terrible too since I have extreme sound sensitivity reactions at home which my mum makes clear are going to continue because she wont have family life disrupted by my being present.

So I had an amazing university year and am on course to get a first which will get me into York or Edinburgh or The Royal Welsh College of Music. That notwithstanding im still really struggling and feel utterly alone as I have no one in my life I can turn to as a friend for moral support.

The other day I had to deal with a fox incursion on our rubbish. The front yard was strewn with rubbish and there was something unidentifiable which had been entirely consumed by mould and which began to disintegrate into wispy green spore clouds when disturbed. I nearly broke down completely at this point.

Im on SSRI's and awaiting therapy but in the meantime im a nervous wreck and just getting up to shower is a MASSIVE chore. I have to go through a million rituals which in total up take about 2 hours. By that time I usually go out to the uni to get some respite but my routine means I have to be back home to cook by 5. I can work round this by bringing sandwiches but even then I still have to deal with the state of the house and the weight of cleaning.

Even if I ask my housemates to clean i'll only have to go over their work. They'll clean the toilet and neglect to wash their hands for example.They then transfer the contamination round the house.

Desperately seeking a friend I guess

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Last edited by binaryodes on 24 May 2014, 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 May 2014, 10:12 pm

I understand the misophonia issues - I have those too. I lived in my triggery family home environment for most of my undergraduate years. I don't have OCD, though, just Asperger's.

You may well know some or all of the following, but in case you don't (and for anyone else reading who might need it):

Are you able to wear earphones (prefereably in-ear type) and play music or white noise while you are at home? Unfortunately, with misophonia it is usually not realistic to expect the world to provide us a trigger-free environment. My experience is that some people won't even try to do that (perhaps like your mother), while others try but keep avoiding sounds that don't bother me while continuing to do the very things that do bother me - and they forget very quickly and revert to their usual behaviour, so that you have to keep complaining, or else find some other solution. They have no idea what misophonia is like, and so have no idea how to prevent triggering a person with misophonia. In the end, either you avoid or leave triggery situations, or you wear "protection" (such as earphones with a music-player) or you scream inside your head (done that quite a few times!). Occasionally, you will have an understanding friend who will avoid doing anything triggery while you are around, but in my experience that is the exception, not the rule. Only my family (wife and children - one of whom also has misophonia) try to avoid trigger sounds around me.

There are several online forums for people with misophonia, including many people with OCD. The "Sound Sensitivity" forum at Yahoo was set up specifically for people with misophonia and has several thousand members, and there is now an annual misophonia conference in America for practitioners in the audiology and psychology fields who deal with misophonia clients. There are currently 18 scientific publications on misophonia too: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=misophonia.

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24 May 2014, 1:20 am

Very good, the Squid was going to suggest the above tactic.

http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywor ... 7z7lwimx_b

RCA has a wireless headset that has impressive range, and is very cheap. Simply plug in music, or something relaxing into the base, and walk about the house, or do your business with the headphones on.
The Squid also suggests soundproofing your room. Roll up a towel or blanket, and place it under your door. If you can afford to do so, are able, and can stand the sight of it, Hang blankets on the walls of your room that connect to other rooms. This will help muffle outside noise and provide some kind of safe haven to live in.