I'm sorry you're going through this.
Good thing you're 18, you could conceivably move out--though, without a steady job, I wouldn't advise it.
If you're not going to college, I would get some kind of job as soon as possible, and start saving to get your own place. McDonald's might not be so bad--but Costco would be better. You would be earning bucks, and you'd be out of your father's hair, and you wouldn't have to put up with him.
It is sad when any religion gets (sometimes unintentionally) used as a weapon against others by its adherents.
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on WrongPlanet.net by private message (PM)
You need to get out of there as soon as possible. If you are not working, get a job. Someplace like Costco would be good, as one of the other posters mentioned, as you will get an employee discount on food and other stuff you buy there. In the mean time, contact social services in your area about getting into a shelter, as you are being abused. Being hit, kicked, and having things thrown at you is abuse. Being constantly run down verbally, and being constantly yelled at, is psychological abuse. You need to get out of there. If the local social services department can't help with a shelter, then find out where the nearest Salvation Army shelter is. Yes, I know they are religious, but they are not too in your face about it. I had to stay in one for a month once, and I am not religious. They were never too pushy about religion. If a person was interested, they would talk with them, and they also had Sunday prayer breakfasts that were open to all the shelter residents, whether a person was religious or not. I went to at least one of those, and again, they were not real pushy about it. So if you can't find a non-religious shelter in your area, look into the Salvation Army shelter.
Just remember though, your best escape hatch will be a job. If you get a job while still working at home, and your father tells you that you need to start paying rent out of your paycheck, you will need to pay something toward that, but do not hand over the whole amount to him. For someone earning minimum wage, and trying to save for an apartment, you should not be paying more than 25% of your pay check toward rent while still living at home, and 20% would be better. Don't go throwing the rest of your pay checks away on non essential items. Save most of it for your first apartment and first car, and don't try for an expensive car or apartment at this stage. If you want to live alone, you could get by with renting a room or studio apartment somewhere for a while, once you are working, and then work your way up to a one bedroom apartment.
Once you are finally on your own, money will be tight for a while. You can furnish your new home on the cheap by asking family and friends if they have old furniture, rugs, lamps, etc. that they no longer want. Also shop at garage sales, thrift shops, and used furniture stores. Don't forget discount dept. stores, and The Salvation Army stores. The money the Salvation Army stores take in is used to help people right in the towns where they are located, so you will be helping your community while helping yourself to low cost furnishings.
Now, get busy looking for work and a new home,--and good luck!