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07 Jul 2014, 1:33 am

I have some insights on what the future will propably be like, and it's not pretty... Right now, global warming is pretty much confirmed, still very little effort is made to stop it. They will be other tentatives to mistigate it, but the opposition to such measures (Based on economic ideologies that are less proved to working that there are proof of the existence of global warming and that humans are the cause.) will likely kill all those innitiatives. So, the average temperature of the planet will continue to rise, eventually the rise in temperature will melt the permafrost, which will release methane. As methane is a very powerfull grenhouse effect gas (Much more powerfull that CO2), it will cause more melting of the permafrost, which will bring out even more methane. Then the methane in the deep of the ocean will also be released. Overrall it will mean a vicious cycle bringing radical climate changes totally out of control. And then the worst will happen... Not the melting of the glaciers and the rise of the oceans, or desertification, or the displacements of populations, or the displacement of agricultural fields to the north, or the economic and ressources toll of the necessity to adapt our infrastructures, or the destruction of ecosystems, or the epidemics that will follow all that. No, MUCH worse. The runaway global warming effects will bring a poor oxygenation of the oceans, provoking the prolifiration of aneorobic bacterias, bacterias that produce hydrogen sulfyde, a poisonnous gas. Hydrogen sulfyde will then get out in the atmosphere, spreading in all his poisonnous apocalypse all over the Earth. Plants and animals will then be exposed to it, and die... Most complex life forms will simply... die, and humanity with them. Just to make thing a little worse the ozone layer will be depleted by the hydrogen sulfyde, bring even more extinctions, and the sky will also be a ugly green, not that anyone will be there to see it. That is just, so depressing... :cry: :cry: :cry:


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08 Jul 2014, 3:34 pm

Anyone? :(


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08 Jul 2014, 3:44 pm

There's speculation that the "methane gun" going off could leave the surface of our planet as hot and uninhabitable as Venus. That's why it's so important to get off-world colonies established before it happens, just in case.


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08 Jul 2014, 3:44 pm

Whoops, double post.


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08 Jul 2014, 6:21 pm

will it lead to my death not at my own hands? if so part of me wishes for it and other SHTF stuff.


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08 Jul 2014, 6:32 pm

I fully intend to travel the world when I retire. I don't care about naysaying things.