auntblabby wrote:
... IOW if she can't handle you at your worst she surely couldn't handle you at your best either. ...
This seems to be a common sentiment, but it depends on the individual to decide if it's a worthy sentiment to cling to depending on their circumstances.
For some people, yes, you have a really bad day once in a while, and it shows. Someone who bails on friendship after such a obscure incident was never a friend of anything more than convenience.
For other people that frequently have really bad days that they let be known(those with certain mood disorders for example), those around them will typically perceive that person's worst to be their best.
When it comes to friendship, you also have proximity to take into consideration. An example to explain the scope of proximity could be... someone you need to drive you somewhere. If 10% of the time, they get ill and have to cancel the plan and cannot take you where you need to go, the person you get a ride from 5 times a year will only disappoint you once every two years, but the person you get a ride to work to five days a week has the same reliability rate will disappoint you approximately 25 times a year. They're both just as unreliable, but the person who you've percieved to fail you more will most likely be seen as completely unreliable because you have a closer proximity to them.
So with friendship and romantic relationships, you typically do have to be extra mindful with the things you do and say, because you have so many more opportunities to make a deeper impact on a person's perception of you simply because you have more activity in that person's life to pile up a bigger tally of offenses. Unfortunately in the case of closer friendships, when you like someone, you don't typically want to upset them by letting them know they've upset you, so by the time you've upset someone enough for them to leave, the bricks of a mile high wall have already been set in mortar between you and them.
For people like myself, I've had to learn to cultivate peace in my mind, because the alternate choice to become cozy with being alone indefinitely has personally never had appeal... Solitary is a killer of body, spirit, and mind.