I have never met my boyfriend's mum, as I haven't been with him long, but his mum passed away this morning and I feel dreadfully sorry for him and his family. His mum has been ill, but he thought she would at least make another 6 months at least.
He's had to cancel our vacation I've been looking forward to, but I am not disappointed at all. I expected our vacation to be cancelled, because I understand that it is a very hard time for him and his family, and he has a lot to sort out, and I understand that he is not up for a vacation. I know that I do love him, and so our vacation can wait til another time when he feels more up for it. But I told him not to worry about that at the moment, because I am not worried, all I'm worried about is how him and his family are feeling, and I hope that they will get through it OK.
But in the meantime, all I'm thinking about is him and his family. I have been thinking about them all day, and I've been on the phone to him and I've told him that I am sorry to hear about his mum and that I am here for him. And each time I talk to him on the phone, I feel my eyes filling up with tears, because I can feel his loss for his mum so much. I saw a picture of his mum on Facebook, and that made me cry too. I just can't help it.
Is this normal....for an Aspie? Because I was told that we lack empathy. I don't think I do.