I put my symptoms into MayoClinic.com and this is what it says i might have. I have numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and its progressing up my arms and to my knees. It's almost to the top of my arm now. It's on both sides so its not a stoke. I just got over a very bad cold that lasted for a month. It says that it can be triggered by a viral infection. Did anyone ever have Guillain-Barre Syndrome or know anyone who did? If so, what was the symptoms like and what did the doctors do about it?
Guillain-Barre (ge-YAH buh-RA) syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory disorder in which your body's immune system attacks the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) and, rarely, parts of the brain itself. Severe weakness and numbness in your legs and arms characterize GBS. Loss of feeling and movement (paralysis) may occur in your legs, arms, upper body and face.
GBS affects an estimated one to three in every 100,000 persons annually in the United States. It can strike any race at any age, but its incidence increases with age. GBS may occur within days or weeks after a viral infection such as influenza (flu) or diarrhea. It may be triggered by pregnancy or a medical procedure, such as a vaccination or minor surgery, or have no evident reason for developing. Because the cause of GBS is unknown, there's no way to prevent the disease from occurring.
It are a fact
I know because of my learnings.