Decide what it is that you would most enjoy doing. Examine your town to see if there are any jobs associated with that which you would most enjoy doing. Approach those businesses with an invitation to join them [show them how you can contribute to their organization, and that you have a passion for doing job _____ (you fill in the blank).] Always go in person - don't contact them by phone or email or they'll just blow you off. Go whether they are seeking applicants or not. If they tell you that they have no need for a person who can do job ____ at this time, ask them if they need assistance in a different department until they have an availability in job _____. If they say they have no need for applicants at this time, thank them for their time, and ask them if it will be ok if you check in with them every month or so until a job opens up because you really want to work for them (you are interested in them - that's flattering - how can they say "No!" to a friendly request like that?) Make sure to give them a copy of your Curriculum Vitae. Follow up with a thank you note (via land mail - NOT email) to everyone that you have talked to (be sure to spell everyone's name correctly). Keep a journal for yourself of the people's names of everyone you talk to, and the dates that you've talked to them. Then DO return about once a month, or maybe even more often. Whenever you return to check on job availability, always be patient, nice, and polite (especially with any secretaries) and avoid becoming a pest. Let them see that you are the kind of person that they would like to work with on a daily basis. (Check THEM out too - are THEY the type of people that YOU would like to work with on a daily basis?) When something opens up, guess who they are likely to call?
Good Luck! Persistence combined with friendliness and a smile (not pushiness) always works for me.
Finally, when you DO get the job, work your ass off, stay out of office politics, never show up late, be the one they can count on to get the job done.
When you leave, get the names and addresses of all those who say they will give you an excellent reference. This will help pave your way into your next job.
Learn as much as possible every place you work. That will eventually lead you to be in the position in which you as an Aspie you will be most happy - working for yourself!
My wish for you is a long, happy, prosperous life! May your life more interesting every day you live it.