I was asked somewhat short notice to join these two nice girls for an apartment next year, and after checking it out it seemed like a good enough deal, seeing as they're both stable similar people to me and the place is nice. My parents have been sitting around telling me not to (for non-specific reasons) even though I already live on my own (yes, they have to foot the bill because me uni doesn't let me take on any more personal loans--but it's the same as if I were living in the dorms at school). That has already slung me back into depression, but tonight, literally hours before we are supposed to sign tomorrow, one girl said her dad is flipping out and refusing to sign as guarantor unless I (in a single room, while the other two share) take on more rent.
I made our portions clear ahead of time and cleared it with the girls like 7 times before now. This is either about to fall through or I'm causing a massive fight between this girl and her family. I know it's not my fault but I could totally resolve this issue I'm not going to resolve so it is. I hate this. Help I feel so desperate