This isn't a flounce, it's just a note to let ya'll know I'm gone. I'm honestly sick to death of the whiners, the professional victims, the perpetually offended, the overly sensitive, the paranoid, the entitled, the undeservingly arrogant, the justice warriors, and the PC nazis. I've tried, but lately it's gotten worse around here and it's impossible to have a normal conversation with most people. If this place is honestly a reflection of people with AS in our society, then I can actually understand why so many don't get hired or find relationships.
There are a few folks here on my FB and also some who have my phone number. The email I used to use here doesn't get checked anymore and also I changed it to a made up one in my profile just now so I don't end up being harassed if someone decides to give it out. I'm completely fine if those who have my contact information want to give it to someone here wants to get in touch with me. I trust them to use their judgment and not give it to one of the nutcases.
To those of you who I like and will miss, I just want to say that I've enjoyed posting with you and I do hope we run into each other again around the internet some day. I do hope you decide to get in touch with me, and I'd love to hear from you. Most of you know who you are.
To those of you who fit into the categories that I listed at the beginning of my post, grow the hell up. Please. Not just because you annoy everybody around you, do it so you will actually be able to have a life. You'll be much happier, trust me.
Now, whether or not the powers that be decide to ban me or not, I'm gone. Ban away if you want, but it's a futile gesture as I'll never attempt to log back in to find out. I also won't be checking this thread to see who says what, like some people do, I'm really just not all that interested in what people want to say about me. The ones I'd like to hear from know how to find me.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is