So I am trying to find a cheaper apartment and one comes up in my neighbourhood at $150. less than what I pay now. So I go to see it yesterday with my Mom, who lives near by. I love it. It's like a hobbit hole. So, I asked how much he thought the utilities would be, he said in cold like we've been getting, it could be as high as $150. So the price is comparable to my inclusive rent now. But in the summer the hydro will go down because the heat's off.
The thing is I would like to get out of my building as there is little security and some nefarious activity. So I would be willing to move if just for a safer environment, if not a financial savings.
But anyway ... we're standing in the kitchen with the landlord and Mom blurts out that with the hydro that expensive "you won't be able to afford it." So his attitude completely changes. Arrrgggg ...I still can't believe she said that in front of him. I was ready to give him the deposit. He told me to think about it and get back to him. I thought about it, emailed him back and included references, but he hasn't replied and I think he may not.
I was very angry at my mother for her lack of discretion, but I'm calmer now. Had a bit of a meltdown actually.
And in the middle of it the Mental Health Employment Team worker calls to let me know the program is a go and starting on Monday the 16th. This is good news, but my brain is so fuzzy right now I can barely make a cup of coffee.
Anyway, that's my rant.