I just want to help.
It's been awhile since I've posted anything, but this has just been bugging me. I know it's important to have high self-esteem and self-worth, but then I just started to think where do we place that same esteem and same image of ones self into the eyes of someone less fortunate. Take for example two weeks ago when a few friends and myself had breakfast at a diner, I couldn't finish my meal so I decided to take back home with me, but not ten feet from walking out of the diner was a homeless of about 60-70 asking for change. He wore a blue sweater that was stained near black from dirt, shoes that where at least a decade old from wear, and looked like some one hadn't cut his hair in thirty years. He looked at me specifically out of all my friends to ask for change, and I offered him the meal I hadn't finished, he graciously accepted and followed with "...thank you, I haven't had a meal in four days." It tore me apart for a while thinking that he had gone that long without a decent meal, and I know there people around the world who go days without eating a single bite, but I also know that through the shittiest parts of life people still get along with their lives almost no different than you or I, they just face different problems. I guess since I was a kid I've always wanted to be the "Robin hood of our time," not in the since that I want to give other peoples wealth to the less fortunate, but that I want to accumulate enough wealth to give to the needy. If I won the lottery tomorrow then the first three things I would do is give enough money to help my immediate family out, give a significant portion to the less fortunate, and then what little I'd have left would go to a nice car, and modest place to live. I know I can't make the world perfect but I want to try my hardest to make it better. Anyways I just needed to vent about this subject.
Long days, pleasant nights.