Oh why did this have to happen?

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09 Mar 2015, 7:49 pm

So my boyfriend asked me to move his TV to the other end of the sitting-room while he was away for a few days on business. I didn't mind, and it wasn't difficult. After I had moved the TV to where he wanted it, I made sure everything was plugged in, and I turned it on and all the channels were working as before. Then I switched it off how I normally do (by the red button on the remote), and when he phoned me and asked if it was all working all right, I said it's fine. Then today he arrived home, and I suddenly got a phonecall from him, saying that he can't get any signal and no channels were coming up at all, and he sounded really mad at me. I know for sure that it was working fine when I last tried it, and now it decides to not work when he switches it on. But now it looks like I've done something to it, and makes me out to be lying or something.

Things like this keep happening to me lately. I know I'm completely innocent, and then the wrong thing happens at the wrong time, and it just so happens that I had been there just before it happened so from other people's point of view it's obvious I had done something totally stupid, and I have no proof that it wasn't my fault, and then I look like a liar. It's happened at work lately, and it's scary.

I'm fed up with living at the moment. I have work tomorrow, and now I've got to spend all day there worrying about how my boyfriend is feeling and that I made him mad, until I finish work and get over to his to fix this problem with the TV. I know he was tired after a long journey back home, and probably wanted to relax in front of the TV, but now I feel embarrassed. Why do these things have to happen?



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09 Mar 2015, 8:57 pm

It sounds like he should call his cable company, instead of being mad at you. How could you have made the TV malfunction? Maybe in the 1950s, that could have happened. Not now, probably. Perhaps he should also have invested in a surge protector.

I'm sorry you have to feel this way all day.

I hope all this gets resolved tonight--or before tonight.


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10 Mar 2015, 1:47 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
It sounds like he should call his cable company
Poms don't need cable, they have Auntie!

Joe90, I take it you tune in using a rooftop aerial, not rabbit ears. Is there a wall-plug for the aerial on both sides of the of the room? Perhaps the one you were using before worked OK but the one you're using now is defective. Try plugging the TV into the aerial socket as it was before you moved it and see if it works.

And try not to worry so much, I'm sure he doesn't think you're a liar.

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10 Mar 2015, 3:23 am

This too will pass...


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10 Mar 2015, 5:22 am

B19 wrote:
This too will pass...

I know, but at the time it feels rather humiliating. I hate pissing people off. I seem to be hypersensitive to awkward moments.



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10 Mar 2015, 5:32 am

I think perhaps he was making a mountain out of a molehill, (maybe he had a hard day) and anyway, it's better for both him and you to focus on the solution rather than whatever led to the problem - which may be as simple as a loose connection between the aerial and tv - this is just not worth beating yourself up over, believe me. Be kind and gentle to yourself; say "this could have happened to anyone, it's no big deal". There is enough harshness in the world and daily life without you heaping more on yourself. It really is no big deal. And even if it was "your fault", it wasn't intentional and YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE MISTAKES - because you are human, and that's part of being human. No-one gets everything right all of the time. No-one at all.


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10 Mar 2015, 7:09 am

Maybe it plays a huge factor in why I'm single but my response to him would be along the lines of "Fix it your damn self, I'm not your slave, you're lucky I even did it for you to begin with." With a slight tone of sarcasm at least.

I dunno, I learned not to get mad over incredibly petty stuff after doing so my entire life. If someone were to be mad at me for something so frivolous I'd be equally as mad at them for being an as*hole.

Now having said that, I also understand your position, but I doubt he's actually mad at you. A lot of it sounds like you're just mad at yourself because you don't want to let him down regardless of the circumstance. I've found the next day such things pass and everything goes back to normal.

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10 Mar 2015, 2:55 pm

It does seem rather over the top for him to make a fuss about the TV not working. Does he blow up on you often like that for little things?


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10 Mar 2015, 4:51 pm

Yeah I'm another one here who is kind of wondering if he often gets mad at things that are fixable, as this really is. It sounds like the antenna cable came loose.

It's a minor irritation to get home from a trip and find that the TV channels aren't coming through, but it's a little over the top for him be irate at you. Or maybe he was just calling to ask, and wasn't mad just wondering, but you understandably feel like the finger is pointing at you because you were the last person to handle the TV.

Either way, try not to feel like the blame is on you. I know what you mean about stupid stuff happening.

At least the TV is actually powering on -- it's only the channels that aren't cooperating. It doesn't sound like a huge problem. It may even be that he selected the wrong input somehow, instead of "antenna."