I'm speaking out a personal note to anyone feeling depressed. "Just keep swimming" Don't try to result to
doing something that you might regret. You may feel like the hole world around is filled with the worst type of people. but, also there are those who are good, and thoughtful people. To be picked on others because of how
you act. I say( and i'm sorry for saying this) F...k them! They aren't worth the amount of awesome that you contain. You're born not as just someone who is under the spectrum, or who might be NT. You are awesome, beautiful, handsome, whatever trait you have YOU ARE AWESOME! I think you are. I think you all are.
To those who support others when they're down, and those who are down who continue to carry on. those who have to see this world we live in alone. You are truly the most patent, wise, hardworking and overall dedicated to better yourselves as caring human beings. Keep being you, and don't let no one try to break you down. I wish all of you the dearest luck on what your goals are.