My early childhood wasn't bad necessarily. It was tough because I was afraid of talking and wanted to be an animal instead of a human, but I was engaged in a lot of things. I played outside all day, read a lot, and drew better than most kids my age. My family moved when I was eight, and I never adapted to my new neighborhood. No one there liked my family and I always felt like an outsider. I stopped playing outside, gained weight, became depressed, and started fantasizing about suicide. In middle school, I was teased about a lot of things, including coming to class early every day to read, so I stopped reading. I realize that is silly now, but I have to force myself to read because I have no desire to do it even though I enjoy it. It's the same with drawing. I used to do it all the time, but I just stopped in high school because I don't have inspiration like I used to. I spent most of high school in my head, daydreaming about things I would never do. I didn't have friends and ate lunch alone. I had one crush, but I couldn't get myself to talk to him no matter how much I told myself I would. I never had a first anything, and I have no fond or important memories of my adolescent and teen years.
I'm going to be a sophomore in college now, and although it's much better than high school, I feel like it isn't as good as it should be. I started making friends in my second semester, but I feel distant from them even though I'm closer to them than anyone else. They are all close-knit and I'm kind of a new friend to them even though we met a year ago. I think I'm having trouble making friends because I don't have experience. The same goes with romantic relationships. I really want one but don't know where to start. I feel like I'm younger than everyone my age because I have so little experience with life. I feel like I lost my high school and middle school years because I lived inside my head, and now I'm losing my college years for the same reason.