Lately, it seems I've descended into a state of childish self-pity, and I feel very ashamed. As I've said before, I am currently very restricted by a my caregiver duties. Next week, I am getting a much needed break from all that in the Great Smoky Mountains. I made the mistake of looking at the long-range weather forecast for the area, yesterday -- nothing but rain the whole period! No,I'm usually one to revel in hiking in all kinds of weather, but too much rain doesn't bode well for my planned off-trail hike up one the streams of Mt. LeConte -- especially since it will be my first time attempting it. I made a whiny post on the LeConte Lodge blog, saying I guess I should stay home -- and maybe stay out the Smokies altogether. It was late, I'd had a bad day, etc., etc. After I read what I wrote, I felt ashamed of myself.
I'm not happy with how I'm becoming.
What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?
Oscar Meyer Lansky