Gwinna's suggestion is solid - you may discover more emphatic company in a local community of people on the spectrum, or even a special ed division. If you're in a university of some kind, it's generally a lot easier to find this sort of thing.
I used to suffer greatly from a similar problem; it was exacerbated, ironically enough, by dorming. I've had an easier time chatting with older people, but even in college (or perhaps especially in college) you can't rely on professors to be open for socialization all the time.
What keeps me afloat nowadays is spending time honing various talents I want to get better at: drawing, writing, artistic sense in general. All of these are very solitary activities, but they are more natural languages to me - improving at them is an end goal that keeps me occupied even away from the table. I still want company - close company on the occasion - but I'm finally alright with the idea of being alone, and have enjoyed a level of peace and energy that's long proven elusive until now.