...I am in Watsonville now , having gone there to get cheaper underwear at the K-Mart there (Seriously - similar , anyway , underwear at the Santa Cruz CVS is , against the price of the WV KM undies , more than twce as much
!) . I missed the bus from SC that stopped by the WV K , so I will have to go back on the outward-bound but from WV that stops by the K , and am doing my daily library at the WV library , where I do have a library card and not in SC , remember .
I am still all itchy and , til' I have two sets of clothes , and a place to wash , and then put on one , while the other is washed , it will remain so . however , two sets of clothes would be a lot more to carry (even bar another pair of shoes , or two belts ~ Just drawstring/jogging pants which are always at least semi-
falling down drawn due to low money + the nonlikihood of immediate redressing/washing space:-() , and " halfway " buying , for the reason outlined above , tends to be a bit of a waste long run - I could use more money relating to that in a large amou9nt helping to do such things at once , in a context where i can truly accomplish them .
While in WV , I went to a a Mexican market-oriented cowboy/Army-Navy store , where i'd gone before , to shop this time only .
The owner , remembering me from before (when I picked up money someone sent to me) , seeing my bags , which I had before , different ones I guess before those were stolen
) said " On your journey yet ? " Or similar , as for all i quote here ~ AP/journalistic standards !
) ~ I said " not yet , maybe when i can get things straightened out " , he said " you're lucky to go " , I said I was shopping , couldn't look now , there was a nice-looking thick GB Packers jacket I'd maybe buy ,
had I sufficient dosh/situation/space