Lately I've been struggling with how I see myself vs. how other people see me. I view myself as annoying and aggravating, possibly to the point of having no future whatsoever because there's nothing to like about me. My two dream jobs both require some interpersonal skills, which means that if I can't give off a good impression, I'm screwed. (That also means I'm going to have to work on my self-esteem, but I still have some time.)
For whatever reason, I feel as though I'm more open with myself here than most places, which means that here is where my personality is really coming out (although I'm holding a lot of the negative stuff away, but that's to be expected).
So, in all honesty - and I'm aware that by posting this I'm setting myself up for harsh/blunt comments, which is fine - am I annoying? If not, how do I come across? I'm sorry if this seems like an attempt to get compliments or something - it's really not, and I'm not expecting many positive comments - I just want to know what impression I'm giving so that I can change it if I need to. I know that my view of myself is distorted, but I don't know how much.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!