A strange turn of events...

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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12 Aug 2015, 8:49 pm

As I had found out that my crush is definitely not on the same page, I am trying to distance myself from her (those emotions linger) while staying friendly. However, as a twist of fate, she has become close to my best friend as of late. Her hooking up with people is utter predictable. She, after all, have many highly desirable qualities. Just did not see that coming.

Conflicting emotions. Relieved that she is mature about it (our relationship is amicable), glad that she (and my friend) is happy. But... it hurts. There is no other way of describing it.

Worst thing now is there is practically little way of avoiding her. I have been assigned to work with her mentee. We still technically study the same course, use the same building. And the fact that she hangs out with my best friend.

The irrational (child) part of me wants to shut them all out. But frankly, they are the few things in university right now that keeps me sane.

Not excuse me. I need to scream inside.


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12 Aug 2015, 9:06 pm

I feel you, sir.

I frequently feel like howling myself!


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14 Aug 2015, 5:48 am

There isn't a right answer for these situations, just do what you have to do I guess. Hang in there. Just don't let it compromise your school work, a similar situation happened to me my freshman year and almost caused me to fail my psych class.