I feel like I am all the time constantly feeling anxious, nervous, uncomfortable. I am really frustrated right now for many reasons. One is that I am sick of being in the house all the time, but at the same time I do not feel comfortable around other people, and I hate feeling like this inside. I have asked my primary care doctor for a referral so I can hopefully get a diagnosis, get tested/ evaluated for Asperger's syndrome. Not sure what it is going to do for me, but I have had over 25 to 30 different jobs since I was seventeen, and now I am 36, it is very frustrating to me not being able to hold a job, especially when it would really help my family if I could work right now and keep a job without having any problems. My oldest son who is from my first marriage is going to be 15 in September, and he has decided to go to live with his dad for this school year. This hurts so bad. This is not all that is bugging me , but all I feel like writing about right now. Just needed to talk to someone/ get some things off my chest.