MSBKyle wrote:
I am 22 and I am getting sick and tired of life. I can't find a job and have trouble talking to people. I do enjoy being alone a lot of the time, but it would also be nice to have other people to do things with. I am currently off school for the summer, and I have done hardly anything with my time off. Sometimes being dead seems like a better alternative than living. Nobody understands me and they all expect me to be like everyone else. Everyday I feel like a loser and that I have no purpose here. I am just going to keep getting older and have to deal with millions of more changes throughout my life.
Nothings worse than feeling like a loner, believe me. When you're feeling down, you've got to find a way to pick yourself back up. So, if socialising is not your strong point, maybe just try and push your survival instincts to whatever geographically interests you.. socially or otherwise, otherwise there will be places where you'd wish you'd gone to and find that the map isn't big enough. You'll know what I mean later on.
Good luck with the subject.
"My answer lies in the eighth wonder and not The Theory of Absolutely Everything"
"Women are made to be loved, not understood."