Meistersinger wrote:
btbnnyr wrote:
I think people have some but not full control over their emotional states.
In the early stages of feeling down or anxious, it does help to avoid focusing on the bad feelings.
In my eggsperience, focusing on bad feelings makes bad feelings worse.
Over time, this may lead to long-term negative emotional states.
At one time, I was fully able to control (read withhold) my emotions, mostly because of my upbringing. Needless to say, I'm a wreck, physically and mentally.
What I mean is defocusing from negative emotions, it is different from withholding emotions.
Defocusing helps me get through bad emotional moments in the moment.
Also on short time scales like minutes or hours.
I had no negative side effects from this, mostly positive learning of emotional regulation and understanding emotions better.
Drain and plane and grain and blain your brain, and then again,
Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!