sly279 wrote:
Feyokien wrote:
I've decided it's probably in my best interests to continue working with Vocational Rehabilitation and Student Disability Resources at my university for aid. In order for SDR to be able to do anything for me they require an up to date diagnosis, which means my first diagnosis 4 years ago isn't satisfactory for them. So I have to go back deep into the system and meet with a psychologist to get reevaluated. I got the call today from Voc Rehab that I'm set for an appointment on September 22nd to meet with a private psychologist. Two weeks from now exactly. Most things don't frighten me, but this does. Earlier this year I was supposed to meet with a psychologist for the same reason, but when the day came I drove to the place and once I got there I panicked and canceled my appointment and then withdrew from Voc Rehab. I was in a major month long meltdown with that as the climax back then. I okay now, but I'm still scared of this new appointment. What if the guy is one of those "you have to be a kid to get diagnosed with ASD" types. Or even what if he tries to prescribe me drugs for depression or other things. I don't take anything currently and I never want to, I want my mind to be my own. God I'm nervous and its still two weeks out.
I have to do this every 5 years i think I don't like it makes me very anxious and scared every time.
think those things should work in your favor to show you have the condition though. make sure you tell him/her those things.
Thank you, was starting to think no one would respond, I needed that, especially from you. weird half hug I give people
I'll try, I remember my first evaluation I almost didn't even get diagnosed because I purposely tried to hide some things.