Nobody can outdo me on this topic. I just flatly refused to do any homework at home, and never once did. (and yes, I am serious - never one single minute) I did do a bit during class, and a little on the school bus as well. But many of my assignments were just not done. To be honest, I am not sure why I absolutely refused in this way. Btw, I did write my papers at university.
The typical punishment for undone homework was detentions, so I got them all the time (and even more for talking in class and not following instructions). I'm sure that there were some interesting discussions in the staff room about what to do with me. Anyway, I never go suspended, and it became clear that the Principal didn't want teachers to send me down to him, so teachers learned to cope! Since the school system was such that marks were based on test results only, my marks were supposedly not affected.
Best of all was my brilliant NT dad. He never said a single word to me about it. No nagging, no questions. His view, I think, was that if the school couldn't get me to do my homework, that was their problem. My mother followed his lead and didn't say much either, although she worried herself sick about "what was going to become of me".
If the only consequence of undone homework is detention, my advice is go to detention every day until the teachers give up on the idea of you doing homework. Unfortunately, I know that some schools include homework marks as part of the final grade, in an effort to make students subservient. And the current thinking seems to be that the proper role for parents is to harass constantly their own kids about school work.
Good Luck!