Browncoat is right.
I'm going to be bold and tell you what came to my mind.
You would think that the life of someone like St. Teresa of Avila
who lived in Spain during the Middle Ages would be perfect, right?
Well guess again.
I saw a movie of her life.
She was treated by her family real similar to how you were treated, ASS-P.
Teresa was supposed to inherit money, and a young relative was supposed to join Teresa as a nun.
But another relative stole the money from Teresa, and said nasty things to her face ...
so nasty that the young relative who at first was nice and innocent
got scared, turned against Teresa, and joined the mean, nasty relative
to share the stolen money and have a comfortable life instead.
Teresa went on her way, suffering with illness and a bad headache.
In the movie, they show her getting out of the carriage to vomit by the side of the road,
being sick and smelly and messing up her clothes by the time she gets to a bed.
Thing is, Teresa rose above it and kept on going.
I could go on, but you get the point.
Life is tough even for the best of us,
and many times it's because bad people
make things worse for innocent people.
Again, Browncoat has some excellent advice for you.
~~ the phoenix
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." -- REM