Related to helping someone else, i read a post once by some guy that was on the verge of killing himself. He was an adult who moved back in with his parents, no job, etc. He decided to focus every day on helping others..simple things like if someone needed something from the store, he'd go..if someone was doing the laundry, he'd help out..if a relative was builing a fence, he'd spend his days building.
He said the combination of being active, plus focusing outward, really helped him get out of his head all the time and in the end, his depression began to dissolve.
I've never tried this, but i remembered it because it sounded like something that really might work when in a deep state. Doubly so as, for me, when in such a state, my tendency is to be even more withdrawn and reclusive (if there is such a thing as more so for me)..which has the unintended side effect of there being little around to distract me from my mind's spiral
"When does the human cost become too high for the building of a better machine?"